Contact us

Any questions, suggestions, concerns, messages?

You can always write us an E-Mail to: 
("gamarjoba" is Georgian and means "hello", but you can also write to if that is more logic for you)

or give us a call to our office in Georgia: +995 597 977 854

For our European customers we are available under the number: +49 (0) 2961 97 71 79 4

We do speak English, German, Russian and obviously Georgian.

Working Hours: From Monday till Friday 10:00 am - 06:00 pm CET
Urgent? Outside of our working hours you can leave us a message, we will do our best to answer and ship our products to you as quickly as possible.

If you want to send us a letter, a postcard or maybe a (return of gift) package please address it to

Healthy-Tours LTD
Lortkipanidze street 34
Appartment 1
0186 Tbilisi